Purpose: | To guide lawyers on how they can best support those without legal representation |
Issued by: | The Bar Council, Chartered Institute of Legal Executives and the Law Society |
A surge in the number of people representing themselves in court has prompted legal organisations to draft guidelines for lawyers who come up against people who find themselves in court without legal representation.
These guidelines have been developed in response to the rising numbers of people representing themselves in court without a lawyer as a result of cuts to legal aid, the increase in the small-claims limit and the introduction of employment tribunal fees.
They are relevant to the civil and family courts and tribunals where there has been an influx of people who cannot afford to instruct a lawyer, have not been able to obtain free legal advice and often have no alternative other than to embark on ‘do it yourself’ justice.
The guidelines discuss how far lawyers can help unrepresented people without this conflicting with their duties to their own clients. Lawyers are advised to communicate clearly and avoid technical language or legal jargon, or to explain jargon to the unrepresented party where it cannot be avoided.
Download: Litigants in Person Guidelines for Lawyers - June 2015:
Download ( PDF )Download: Litigants in Person Guidelines for Lawyers - Notes for Clients:
Download ( PDF )Download: Litigants in Person Guidelines for Lawyers - Notes for Litigants in Person:
Download ( PDF )Download: Litigants in Person Guidelines for Lawyers - A Selection of Relevant Cases:
Download ( PDF )These guides have been produced by the Bar Council, the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives and the Law Society